3 Things That Can Dampen Your Career

How many years have you worked on perfecting your career?
Whether it is a short or a long period of time, that last thing you’d want to do is place your career in jeopardy.
So, could you be doing one or more things that will jeopardize your career now or not too far down the road?
Is Your Career in Trouble?
When looking at actions on your part that can jeopardize all you have worked for, keep these in mind:
1. Notable gaffes at work – The fear more times than not in messing up your careers would be notable gaffes at work. As an example, you are not good at your particular job. You might also show up too often late for work. What if you seem to not be getting along with one or more co-workers? Various things can come up to nip you in the butt when it comes to your time spent at work. When one or more of these stand out, you could be on the outside looking in when it comes to your job. Your best bet is to try your hardest at work. Also make it a point to be cordial towards co-workers. Last, be on time and show your employer that you do in fact have a positive attitude.
2. Run-ins with the law – There is a good chance before you were hired that the employer did a background check on you. Such checks are becoming more common in today’s workforce. As such, you do not want any notable criminal incidents coming back to haunt you once you’ve been hired. So, could there be an outstanding warrant with your name out there? If asking the question how do I find out if I have a warrant, the Internet can more times than not help you. Go online and do a search with your name on it. There is a good chance you can dig up any past traffic tickets you did not pay or other such legal issues out there. If you have a warrant out for you, do your best to settle it as fast as possible. If you do not, how would you feel if law enforcement showed up at your job and arrested you? Chances are your employer would not be too amused.
3. Hopping from job to job – Finally, some think having a ton of experience on their resumes is a ticket to any job. Yes, while experience can of course work in your favor, you want to be careful here too. When it seems like you hop from job to job all too often, some employers will look down on this. The big red flag there is that you tend not to stay in one place for too long. While there is nothing wrong with going for opportunities, do not leave one job for the next on a rotating basis.
In your quest to avoid career suicide, do all you can to be a smart and productive employee no matter where at.